- The Some Themes Spelled With English Word -

[take]で綴る100のお題   テキスト版はこちら

1, The emotion began to take form in my mind.私の中でその感覚が輪郭を取り始めた
2, She took my hand彼女は私の手に捕まった
3, take baby in arms赤ん坊を腕に抱く
4, take a cold風邪をひく
5, be taken with a fit of coughing急に咳き込む
6, be taken ill病気になる
7, the question take me by surprise質問に面食らう
8, the blow took me on the cheek打撃は私の頬に当たった
9, He's a tough opponent but I think I can take him彼は手強い相手だが打ち負かせると思う
10, take a hurdleハードルを跳び越す
11, take two weeks' holiday2週間の休暇を取る
12, What will you take for it?いくらで売る?
13, he wouldn't take it彼はそれを受け取ろうとしなかった
14, She took character from her mother彼女の性格は母親譲りだ
15, take a house country田舎に家を買う
16, Take your medicine.薬を飲みなさい
17, take a deep breath深く息を吸い込む
18, take his name from a listリストの中から彼の名を選ぶ
19, Let's take ○○,for example○○を例にとって考えてみよう
20, Take my advice;don't go私の忠告を聞いて、行くのはやめなさい
21, take the news calmiy平然と知らせを聞く
22, He never takes no for an answer彼は人に嫌と言わせない
23, His insolence was more than I could take彼の無礼には我慢できなかった
24, I take your point君の言いたいことはわかった
25, take his comment as a compliment彼のコメントを賛辞と受け取る
26, Do you take me for a fool?私を馬鹿にしてるの?
27, I took him to mean he refused私は彼が拒否したと思った
28, I take your offer君の申し出に応じよう
29, Which road shall we take?どの道を行こうか
30, Let's take you with me君も一緒に連れて行こう
31, I'll take you to the good place tomorrow明日良いところへ連れて行ってあげる
32, take she home彼女を家まで送り届ける
33, take her for a drive彼女をドライブに連れて行く
34, Take him this noteこの手紙を彼のところへ届けてください
35, When you take one form two, for remains2ひく1は、いち
36, take the knife from he彼からナイフを取り上げる
37, Who has the right to take the life of another man?誰に他人の命を奪う権利がある?
38, The red suit took my eyes赤いスーツに目がいった
39, He was taken by her charm彼は彼女の魅力に心奪われた
40, Who has taken my diary?私の日記を持っていったのは誰だ
41, take a chair near the window窓の近くの椅子に座る
42, It took courage to talk back to him彼に口答えするのには勇気が要った
43, What size hand do you take?手のサイズはどのくらいですか
44, take a bath入浴する
45, If you take another step, I'll shootもう一歩でも動けば撃つ
46, This is the only measure we can take我々が取れる策はこれだけだ
47, take an oath誓う
48, take things in one's stride物事に冷静に対処する
49, It take a lot of doing to persuade her彼女を説き伏せるのには骨が折れた
50, take an interest in itそれに興味を持つ
51, take offense気分を害する
52, take pride in itそのことを誇りに思う
53, She took his temperature彼女は彼の体温を計った
54, take doubt疑いを調べる
55, Anything you say will be taken down君の言うことは全て記録される
56, take a high polish(磨くと)ぴかぴかとつやが出る
57, take well写真写りが良い
58, taking off暗殺
59, take in詐欺
60, take leave告別
61, take no prisoners断固とした
62, hard to take in信じがたい
63, have what it takes必要な手腕を持っている
64, The sight took his breath awayその光景に彼は思わず息を呑んだ
65, She was taken in by his sweet talk彼女は彼の甘い言葉にだまされた
66, Don't take it so hardそんなに気に病むなよ
67, That's my last offer, take it or leave it.これが最後だ、嫌ならやめろ
68, You may take it from me私の言うことを信じなさい
69, She took off her glasses彼女は眼鏡を外した
70, Take your hand offその手を離せ
71, Her face took on an expression of disbelief彼女の顔は信じられないという表情になった
72, take on new meanings新しい意味を帯びる
73, Not to be taken out帯出禁止
74, I'll take over while you're goneあなたの留守の間は引き受けました
75, take to drink飲酒にふける
76, take a puppy up on one's arms子犬を抱き上げる
77, She took him up on his invitation彼女は彼の招きに応じた
78, You can't take it with youあの世まで財産を持って行けるわけじゃない
79, be taken aback不意を打たれる
80, Take no account of what I said ealier前に言ったことは気にしないでくれ
81, take bertiesわがままに振る舞う
82, It doesen't take,You don't need大したことじゃない
83, take the bull by the horns敢然と立ち向かう
84, Take care!じゃあね!・元気でね!
85, That matter will take care of itselfその件は放っておけば解決する
86, take into one's confidence秘密を打ち明ける
87, the devil take the hindmost他人のことより自分のことを考えるべきだ
88, take a flash atちらりと見る
89, take French leaveそっといなくなる
90, get taken off at the knees大けがをする
91, take a long lie寝坊する
92, You pays your money and you takes your choice君の好きにしたら良い(どうせはっきりとは解らない)
93, take the words out of one's mouth(人の)言おうとすることを先に言う
94, take rank with並ぶ・肩を並べる
95, take the sun日光浴する
96, It takes two to tango1人じゃ何も出来ない・あなたが必要だ
97, Take your time and tell me everything急がないで全部話しなさい
98, take the change out of he彼に仕返しする
99, take one's courage in both hands思い切って勇気を奮い起こす
100, take a fancy to youあなたが欲しい

- The Some Themes Spelled With English Word -